Monday, August 31, 2009

Reader Request: 3 LA Girl Disco Brites swatches (Funkadelic, Chic, Disco Ball)

I REALLY want more of these Disco Brites: I love how... bright and jelly the polishes are. Sure, this makes application a little bit of a pain but when they work well, they work REALLY well. Sigh. When's CherryCulture's next sale?? C'mon Labor Day... c'mon Labor Day... When did a holiday meant to commemorate workers become a "HEY SHOPPING IS SOOOO AWESOME DAY"? (I suppose roughly around the same time all holidays took on that meaning.)

LA Girl Disco Brites Funkadelic
It's a bit more dusty and muted IRL. Very pigmented despite the jellilocity (I just make up words) of it.

LA Girl Disco Brites Chic
Didn't think I'd like this peachy magenta shade but the jelly, the squish! Not a fan of pinks but this is a "look at your nails, smile happily at the sight" polish.

LA Girl Disco Brites Disco Ball

I was very surprised at how much I loved this jelly slight-off-white. Three coats and the glossiness gave it an almost pearly look. It was bright without being stark: an opaque white that didn't just lie flat on the nail. My favorite white so far (and I have a bunch of them).

Unfortunately I sense that the Disco Brites line are going to be a little hit or miss for me. Thicker jelly polishes, such as these, get difficult to handle if you're into doing more than two coats. I don't think I would have the patience to do any of these as a four-coater (because I'd actually have to wait for layers to dry) and for that reason, the yellow, oranges and lighter greens and blues of this collection would not go over so well (for me anyway).