Thursday, September 9, 2010

Layering Love with WnW Blueberry Fizz

So, how does Wet n Wild Blueberry Fizz hold up under some of our favorite layering polishes? Well, let's have a looky-looky.

Blueberry Fizz under NfuOh 54

I believe that the answer would be... ahhhhmazing. (I might be a bit biased, however; I'm sort of under the impression that Nfu Ohs could make even the most heinous polish acceptable.) I think Blueberry Fizz works as a great base color for this flakie goodness - the color pops and even brings out the purple undertones in the flakes in sunlight.

So how about matte-ified?

... with Essie Matte About You

Lovely as well, although I did myself a huge disservice with this one. I tried to do a gradient with the Nfu Oh (didn't work) and went a little polish crazy before finally adding the Essie on top which led to a bit of a drying mess, hence only the two exposed nails. The ring finger was... let's just say, irregular. It's a lovely effect, though, don't you think? I really enjoy the matte look over these flakies.

I hope you enjoy the layered looks!

Happy day, all!